Wednesday 25 July 2012

Jehovah's Witnesses: A Tale of Two Cities

When I was seventeen, I met my first Jehovah's Witness.

Okay, that's a lie. I met one girl in high school before that. Her name was Paige and her birthday came around and I'm pretty sure I wished her a happy birthday, because she got all awkward and told us she didn't celebrate her birthdays, and I was baffled. I stopped really caring about my birthdays after about 15, but it was still nice to have one day a year where people congratulated me for going another year without dying. I'll note now quickly that instead of celebrating my birthday now, I just thank my mom for going through the agony of birthing me. I'd say all presents I get go to her, but we all know that's a lie.

I also really liked cake, so the idea of this girl skipping out on the one day in the year where she could eat all the cake she wants and nobody could say anything baffled me. Then I discovered she didn't celebrate Christmas(free food), Easter(free chocolate), birthdays(free cake), Halloween(free candy), NUFFIN'.

Anyway, Paige went off to some Jehovah's Witness school or something of the like and I continued with my life. Then when I was seventeen, I had my first real experience with one, the same way they talk about it on TV. One of them actually came up to my door. Being the innocent I was at the time, I opened the door. There on our stoop was this little old lady with white curls and little half-moon spectacles and this teeny Victorian-looking outfit. She was holding her bible and her study book and her Watchtower magazines in her little wee claws and when she opened her mouth, she had the sweetest little British accent I had ever heard.

Her name was Rose. She was so old and sweet and British that even if I didn't give a shit what she was saying, I would sit there listening. Even if she was telling me the best way to slice, sear and eat newborn puppies, I would be listening intently.

Eventually Rose moved back to England, but by then I was already on the path to learning about different religions. I started going to church with one of my best friends and studying my bible and reading the articles given to me. I don't know if I would call myself 'religious', but I can appreciate and accept it while I'm looking for my own personal truth. Anyhow, I got into studying religion and Rose moved back to England and she assigned someone new to some talk to me, Sandy. Sandy was cool, but the summer Sandy was assigned to my door I moved. Just picked up and left to be in the same city as my dad. Sandy knew of some other Jehovah's Witnesses in this city I was moving to and so she said she'd set us up.

Turned out I met the lady, Nikki, all on my own and very much by accident. We studied together for about two years before I realized... I'm really lazy. And this studying and learning about something I'm not entirely passionate about thing wasn't really cranking my... crank any more. My work schedule got more erratic and eventually we just stopped seeing one another, stopped studying, all that. But to this day when I see Jehovah's Witnesses on the street, I feel a pang of guilt, like maybe they all talk behind my back about how I was once a good and attentive student and am now some horrible Godless monster. 

Come to think of it, that's probably exactly what I am.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Close at 5 PM translates to close NEVER.

I work in retail. I know it seems terribly glamorous, but my job is pretty much like any job you see in the movies. It looks fun when celebrities are doing it and their friends are sliding into the shot and bringing up something exciting, but when you're actually there selling lingerie to wrinkled old ladies, it's not quite so riveting. But just because it isn't exciting doesn't mean I don't love my job.

Most of the time.

Among the things I really fucking hate are the people that come in at 4:45 PM. We close at 5 PM. It says so on our door, on our business cards, on our pamphlets and on our websites. We close. At five. PM. But apparently that translates to 'we're open all the time and we never close so come on in and keep me from having a life' to a lot of people.

These little hookers come in at 4:45 and start browsing. That's fine. I say 'hey, closing in about twenty here' because I don't mind staying an extra five minutes for a customer, that's fine too. At 5:30 finally they've decided not to buy anything. This is where I have an issue, because for one I don't get paid for staying late, second I didn't make any sales in that time so why would I get paid anyhow and third fuck you. Luckily I'm just a retail peon with no life to live, nobody to get home to, no errands to run or dreams to follow. It's cool guys.

At least they've gotten over the fact that I'm not a stuffy older lady working in a stuffy older lady store. The store is consignment clothing so we get a big variety of people, but I understand I'm not the most conventional looking person ever. I understand if a few people want to ask about the dreadlocks or piercings, that's totally cool. But it's when I'm talked down to, when people eye me up and then scoff and say 'when will your boss be in?' that I have an issue. Hi, I work here. I have for two years. I do my job well and you know I do it well because instead of stabbing you with my tagger, I'm smiling in your fucking face. So in the words of Richard Pryor, have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

So, what the fuck?

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